Since El-Sisi rise to power, arbitrary arrest, torture and enforced disappearances have reached unprecedented levels in Egypt. The film investigates the most authoritarian regime in the Middle East. We will hear the testimonies of those who have been tortured by the regime and look into the economic interests that are pushing the U.S. and the E.U. to turn a blind eye. Finally, we ask wether El-Sisi’s crackdown on human rights may be, in fact just creating the conditions for a new, violent uprising in Egypt.
- Genre
- Geopolitics / Investigation / Current Affair / Reportage
- Duration
- 52'
- Episodes
- 1
- Director(s)
- Bence Màté
- Versions
- Italian / English / French
- Production Company
- GA&A Productions in coproduction with Gruppe5/ZDF-Arte, in association with SVT, NRK, VRT, RTBF, RTS, SRF, CBC-SRC
- Year of production
- 2018

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