Looking for Nick and Bart

It took 50 years for the US Justice system to acknowledge that Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were wrongly executed in 1927. Although they have been forgotten by many, their names still stand for injustice and prejudice around the world and their story continues to inspire others to action. This film follows a filmmaker's journey in search of their legacy, beyond the famous trial, following in Nic and Bart's footsteps from Italy to New York and Massachusetts, in a quest to learn more about these two men. Their story is clearly relevant today in a world still full of prejudice and intolerance of unorthodox ideals, and in a society that still enforces the death penalty with political motivations. La regista fa un viaggio alla ricerca dell'eredità lasciata da "Nic" e "Bart", sulle tracce della loro odissea dall'Italia a New York e nel Massachussets, fino al famoso processo e alla fine sulla sedia elettrica. I nomi di Sacco e Vanzetti sono il simbolo universale della lotta contro l'ingiustizia, il pregiudizio e l'intolleranza. E la loro storia continua a far riflettere, in una società che ancora oggi mantiene la pena capitale con motivazioni politiche.

Carla Brezzo
Italian / English
Production Company
GA & A Productions
Year of production