A series of eight documentary films dedicated to eight leading Italian photographers takes us on a fascinating journey through news photography, war reporting, social and artistic photography, fashion and society. From Letizia Battaglia, Sicilian photographer famous for the most shocking phase of the Mafia war to Paolo Pellegrin and his extensive work in Gaza on civilians mutilated during “Operation Cast Lead”; from Giovanni Gastel, Italy’s best-known fashion photographer, to Umberto Pizzi, the king of paparazzi, who has witnessed the shift from the Dolce Vita to the Italian decline of recent years.
- Genre
- Art / Culture / Music
- Duration
- 30
- Episodes
- 8
- Director(s)
- Francesco G. Raganato
- Versions
- Italian / English / German
- Production Company
- Todos Contentos y yo tambien
- Year of production
- 2012